いくつか出願用エッセイを許可を取った上で公開させて頂いていますが、一例として(参考のために)Stanford MBA Essayの What Matters Most to You and Why?に対するanswerをサンプルとして公開させて頂きます。


Essay Themeは Sailing

MBA エッセイサンプル:What Matters Most to ME and Why?

Life is often compared to sailing. Ocean peacefully waves, so does my emotion for the stirring destination. But, at the center of the open sea, what if I suddenly realized my compass was not working and my terminal disappeared? At 13, I was out. I knew the four social commandments: “Be a good student. Enter a good university. Enter a good company. And be a good worker.” But, I couldn’t find any value in it. In a deep distress, how can I feel placidity through a pleasant breeze? To keep sailing, what mattered most to me was to have a lighthouse that radiated a way to go. To me, the lighthouse is givers.

The first giver is my cram school teacher. I have changed my cram school, so she is not in charge of me anymore. Strange to say, a lot of mails have been delivered from her: homework, a tightly written new year’s card, and a three page letter to make sure if I am okay for everything on my admission. From indifference, I naively ignored almost all of them, but the last one is different. It is a gift for the celebration on my admission. I expect that it must be a Gameboy, but it is an electronic dictionary. In sorrow, I think ––– “I DON’T LIKE IT!”

The second giver is my high school teacher. My cell phone is ringing at 6a.m. Without glancing at the display, I know the identity of the bothering caller. “I am waiting for you at school today. You must come, otherwise I will visit you this morning.”

It’s a graduation ceremony today, which is the only event I attended in my youthful days. “Congratulations.” My view has abruptly begun to be fading, and all of my words have been submerged under the flood.

The third giver is my father. Feeling nervous, I am heading to my father: for about 10 years, we have not had an opportunity to sincerely talk. Since I have been an outlier, we had many collisions. I selfishly dropped out from my university that he has paid a lot for me. If I ask him to let me study abroad, he might think it is a joke or even lose his temper this time. However, whatever he says, I have to ask him with great respect.

“Can I study in the United States?”

He just says, “Go for it.”

Still, even a little, I cannot imagine what they thought and what they hoped for. These givers are divine and even more sacred in capitalism today. Giving is not on the success map, but that’s why it is beyond myself, and that’s why I could see the beauty in it. Sometimes, journey is tough to continue: A storm will be inevitable, and how much I wish to remain as pure as it is, crystalline water will be easily stained.

Have I given as much as I took? But, until I can confidently answer to myself, I wish to continue my sailing.


Stanford MBAではなくても良いので、特に日本語でMBAのサンプルエッセイを探す or 合格者在校生のエッセイが手に入る場合、読み比べて頂くと随分異なると思います。勿論Questionが違えば内容は違いますがSOP Formatでは作成していません。どちらかと言えばLike RiversやPianoのStyleは似ていると思います。

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投稿者 K and M

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